Janette's PICTURES OF AUSTRALIAN HISTORY and Timeline Figures

WHAT CAN MY CHILDREN USE FOR AUSTRALIAN HISTORY LESSONS? That was the inspiration and a love of history's true stories, that inspired me to create this homeschooling resource. GO TO: SITE:AustralianHistoryPictures.com INFO BOARD:BOARD EMAIL: janettecassey@bigpond.com ph: 02 62316192.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

If you bought my pictures at the Big Picture Conference this year could you please email me with your address details at janettecassey@bigpond.com, I have some improved pages to forward to you.

Here are some comments from some of the lovely people who bought the package at the Expo THANKS so much!

"Thank you for undertaking to produce such a quality product for us to use. It's existence and your committment speak into our children's lives conveying the relevance and integral importance of our own country's history.

Warm Regards,

Jennifer Stephens "

(To see more comments look below each blog)
"Dear Janette,

Just wanted to thank you and tell you how much I appreciate your timeline figures! They are truly wonderful! I was pleased when I purchased them at the conference the other day, but now that I'm home and have had a chance to really look at them . . . WOW!! and THANK YOU. Lovely, lovely work and SO much put into them. Can't wait to begin!

Tere Latimer"

If you are interested in joining a message board about teaching Australian history keep checking here for the link or email me, I'm setting it up at the moment. I hope some of my fellow Australian history buffs from the Conference will visit this blog, I didn't get your email addresses sadly, so please contact me if you do.

Thanks so much for these kind comments! There are other comments if you click the "comments" link at the end of each blog, see below.




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