Janette's PICTURES OF AUSTRALIAN HISTORY and Timeline Figures

WHAT CAN MY CHILDREN USE FOR AUSTRALIAN HISTORY LESSONS? That was the inspiration and a love of history's true stories, that inspired me to create this homeschooling resource. GO TO: SITE:AustralianHistoryPictures.com INFO BOARD:BOARD EMAIL: janettecassey@bigpond.com ph: 02 62316192.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Who are these people and what are they doing?

Janette's Pictures of Australian History will tell you, as well as telling the story of the first 100 years of our history using pictures, rhymes and notes. Great for timelines along a wall or projects or history books. Cover Australian History in an easy and effective way for yourself and your children.

Saturday, March 25, 2006



Is at this address:

This list is simply a booklist that I have collected and used to write my Pictures. The books listed here with an asterisk* are novels/stories/narratives of Australian history and those with ** are picture/story books for younger children. The out of print ones can often be found at second hand book stores or bookfairs.

The in print books are often available through good book stores/homeschool suppliers, scholastic My Story series is also available through homeschooling resellers like Mary Collis at http://www.homeschoolfavourites.com.au. The rest of the books are more factually worded. As you can tell from the reference to volume numbers, some of these books are part of series that are found in the Australian History section at the library.

The list also gives you a start at looking for great series of books such as the Southern Cross series by Cassell Australia Ltd and The Australian’s in History Series by Collins but it is by no means an exhaustive list.

http://gutenberg.net.au/ for all sorts of goodies like explorer's journals etc etc.


I am opening an information/discussion board on AUSTRALIAN HISTORY soon. Please email me at my link here and I will let you know how to join. I would LOVE to have the email addresses of all those lovely interested people I met at the Big Picture Conference so PLEASE email me and that way we can keep in touch!

Why set up a Forum? Well, after thinking about accessability, I decided that setting up a forum would be an easier and more organised place for you to access and read the additional information I've promised. As well, you can add your input and we can discuss things together with other homeschoolers if you wish.

Already I've heard some great ideas and I do hope those people will take the time to add them when the forum is ready. It will be a place for Australian history book discussion, poetry, age discussion, method discussion, art and craft and specifics like places to go etc and a place to be 'enthused'. Each topic will start off with the information I have promised and after that anyone can add 'new threads' i.e. topics or reply to other 'threads etc.

PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED by emailing me .... let's get all those great ideas out there! :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

If you bought my pictures at the Big Picture Conference this year could you please email me with your address details at janettecassey@bigpond.com, I have some improved pages to forward to you.

Here are some comments from some of the lovely people who bought the package at the Expo THANKS so much!

"Thank you for undertaking to produce such a quality product for us to use. It's existence and your committment speak into our children's lives conveying the relevance and integral importance of our own country's history.

Warm Regards,

Jennifer Stephens "

(To see more comments look below each blog)
"Dear Janette,

Just wanted to thank you and tell you how much I appreciate your timeline figures! They are truly wonderful! I was pleased when I purchased them at the conference the other day, but now that I'm home and have had a chance to really look at them . . . WOW!! and THANK YOU. Lovely, lovely work and SO much put into them. Can't wait to begin!

Tere Latimer"

If you are interested in joining a message board about teaching Australian history keep checking here for the link or email me, I'm setting it up at the moment. I hope some of my fellow Australian history buffs from the Conference will visit this blog, I didn't get your email addresses sadly, so please contact me if you do.

Thanks so much for these kind comments! There are other comments if you click the "comments" link at the end of each blog, see below.



Thursday, March 16, 2006

Well.... AT LAST with the help of God's grace, I have finally finished this project. What a relief but I must say how exhausting! Anyone thinking of doing something like this let me warn you it is tough, especially along with being a wife, mother, homeschooler and homemaker. My charming daughter Jessica (I praise the Lord for her daily) worked for me and helped and gave so much moral support. My dear sister in Christ and friend Michelle kept me going to the finish line and helped with editing and child care etc etc right when I needed it most, just when I was thinking that I just can't make it and another dear friend Jocelyn who also helped with my ds. THANKS ladies!

Trying to get this ready in time for the Big Picture Conference has been a HARD deadline with a few VERY late nights. Working on text, scanning pictures and setting them out, and edit after edit till I couldn't see straight; and liaising with libraries, it's amazing they all think so differently! As you see However, it's finished, at last, the first 100 years.

It has turned out to be more of a resource than a set of timeline figures so please don't expect something like that which is already out there, it is unique.

If you are still keen to order please email me. If you have already ordered a copy or contacted me I will contact you when I return from the conference, btw thanks so much for your encouragement - you have kept me going too.

In addition, I hope you will continue visit this website to see the resources here. I plan to add some resources if they upload (I am having trouble uploading some pictures) including:

A booklist and an activity list to go with the Pictures that can relate a lot of other subjects to your Australian history studies, I've found this to be a way of keeping learning alive in our lessons. This involves using the clues or hooks in the rhymes/notes and exploring them further but more about that later.

I will also be providing a list of image nos to refer to at the online Pictures Catalogues at the libraries and I'm planning on writing a few stories as well.

And, a great way to liven up your Australian history studies; a related poetry list by well known Aussie poets, so you see this relates poetry to Australian history too and makes it fun, at least I and the kids think so anyway.

PRICE: I AM OFFERING AN INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF $40 to last the month of April.

The package ended up being 100 years instead of 50 years of Australian history, it became longer with more pages than I anticipated, 35 in total there are also indexes and a 'How To' page in the package.

So I'm off to the conference tomorrow morning 6am from Canberra, see you there if you are going. May the Lord keep us safe on those roads. Please make a comment on the blog anytime or contact me with questions.

Wearily but warmly

Janette Cassey Ingham

I dedicate this project to my two lovely children with whom I love to homeschool!